#!/usr/bin/perl # @(#)RELEASE VERSION 'guestbook.cgi v3.30' 13-May-97 Guestbook system ####################################################################### # # # Guestbook system v3.30 written by # # # # Lars Ellingsen # # larsell@stud.ntnu.no # # http://www.stud.ntnu.no/~larsell # # Copyright © 1996-1997 # # # ####################################################################### # # # DISCLAIMER # # # # You may use this guestbook-system as long as you: # # 1. don't alter the copyright-notes # # 2. send me an eMail and notify me that you use this system # # and give me the address to your homepage # # # ####################################################################### # # # This program is used together with the configfile 'guestbook.cfg'. # # See the readme-file for information on how to install the system. # # # ####################################################################### # # # DON'T CHANGE ANYTHING IN THIS SCRIPT! # # # # (Mail me and ask if you want to) # # # ####################################################################### $0 =~ s/.*\/(.*).cgi/$1/; # Saves the filename of the script $cgi_version = "3.30"; # This is the script version number $config_version = "3.30"; # Minimum required config-file version $lang_version = "1.03"; # Minimum required language-file version ####################################################################### # Read aruments and execute requested action. ####################################################################### if ($ARGV[0] eq "form") { &read_config; &make_date; &make_htmlForm; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "view") { &read_config; &make_date; &extract_forminfo; # If there is an old datafile to be shown... &make_htmlView; } elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "sign") { &make_date; &extract_forminfo; &test_form; if ($form_ok) { &read_config; &add_signature; &make_htmlView; &send_mail if ($do_sendmail && $mailprogram && ($mailaddress =~ /\@/)); } else { &display_error; } } else { $error_message = "Argument not recognized by the program.
\n" . "The only arguments that are allowed are: " . "\"view\", \"sign\" and \"form\".\n"; &display_error; } ####################################################################### # Read and initialize the config-file. ####################################################################### sub read_config { if (open(CONFIGFILE,"<$0.config")) { if (($cfgline = ) =~ /\[\n]/) { if ($1 >= $config_version) { while ($cfgline = ) { if (($cfgline =~ /^\<-guestbook-mult\./) || ($nextvariable)) { if ($nextvariable) { $variablename = $nextvariable; $nextvariable = undef; $$variablename .= $cfgline; } else { $variablename = $cfgline; $variablename =~ s/\<-guestbook-mult\.([\w.]+)-\>.*[\n]/$1/g; } while ($cfgline = ) { if ($cfgline =~ /^\<-guestbook/) { $nextvariable = $cfgline; $nextvariable =~ s/\<-guestbook-mult\.([\w.]+)-\>.*[\n]/$1/g; last; } else { $$variablename .= $cfgline; } } } elsif ($cfgline =~ /^\<-guestbook\./) { $cfgline =~ s/\<-guestbook\.([\w.]+)-\>.*[\n]/$1/g; chop($$cfgline = ); } } @locationarray = split (/\n/, $locationlist); @stripwordarray = split (/\n/, $stripwordlist); @olddatafilesarray = split (/\n/, $old_datafiles); close(CONFIGFILE); } else { $error_message = "Need configuration-file version $config_version or higher!

\n" ."Click on the support link below to learn how to upgrade your config-file."; &display_error; } } #------( Read language-file, if any. )------ if ($language) { if (open(LANGUAGEFILE,"<$language")) { if (($languageline = ) =~ /\[\n]/) { if ($1 >= $lang_version) { while ($languageline = ) { if ($languageline =~ /^\<-guestbook-lang\./) { $languageline =~ s/\<-guestbook-lang\.([\w.]+)-\>.*[\n]/$1/g; chop($$languageline = ); } } close(LANGUAGEFILE); } else { $error_message = "Need language-file version $lang_version or higher!

\n" ."Click on the support link below to download the newest language-file."; &display_error; } } } } } else { $error_message = "Couldn't read the configuration file: \"$0.config\"!

\n\"$!\"\n"; &display_error; } } ####################################################################### # The correct date. ####################################################################### sub make_date { ($t,$t,$t,$mday,$mon,$thisyear,$t,$t,$t) = localtime(time); $mon++; if ($thisyear < 95) {$thisyear = "20$thisyear";} {$thisyear = "19$thisyear";} $date = "$mday.$mon.$thisyear"; } ####################################################################### # Read the FORM information. # Split it into understandable data. # Strip name, eMail and URL for
-tags. ####################################################################### sub extract_forminfo { if ($ENV{'REQUEST_METHOD'} eq "GET") { $buffer = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; } else { read(STDIN, $buffer, $ENV{'CONTENT_LENGTH'}); } @pairs = split(/&/, $buffer); foreach $pair (@pairs) { ($name, @values) = split(/=/, $pair); $value = join ("=", @values); $value =~ tr/+/ /; $value =~ s/%([a-fA-F0-9][a-fA-F0-9])/pack("C", hex($1))/eg; $FORM{$name} = $value; $FORM{'name'} =~ s/\<[^\>]*\>//ig; $FORM{'name'} =~ s/\//g; $FORM{'email'} = "\L$FORM{'email'}"; $FORM{'email'} =~ s/\<[^\>]*\>//ig; $FORM{'email'} =~ s/\//g; $FORM{'homepage'} = "\L$FORM{'homepage'}"; $FORM{'homepage'} =~ s/\<[^\>]*\>//ig; $FORM{'homepage'} =~ s/\//g; } } ####################################################################### # Test the guestbook-entry for errors. (No name etc.) ####################################################################### sub test_form { $form_ok = 1; if ($FORM{'name'} eq "") { $form_ok = 0; $error_message = "You have to fill in your name in order to " . "sign this guestbook!

Go back with your browser an retry."; } elsif ($FORM{'location'} eq "nowhere") { $form_ok = 0; $error_message = "You have to select where you're located!

" . "Go back with your browser and retry."; } } ####################################################################### # Add new signature to the guestbook-file. ####################################################################### sub add_signature { if (open(GUESTFILE,">>$data_file")) { if (form_ok) { print GUESTFILE "\n$FORM{'name'}\n"; print GUESTFILE "$FORM{'location'}\n$date\n$FORM{'email'}\n"; print GUESTFILE "$FORM{'homepage'}\n$FORM{'message'}\n\n"; } close(GUESTFILE); } else { $error_message = "Couldn't write to guestbook-file: \"$data_file\"

\n\"$!\"\n"; &display_error; } } ####################################################################### # Make and show the guestbook HTML-document. ####################################################################### sub make_htmlView { $data_file = $FORM{'old_datafile'} if ($FORM{'old_datafile'} && $show_old_files); if (open(GUESTFILE,"<$data_file")) { undef $/; $guestfile = ; close(GUESTFILE); $first = 1; @months = (0,'January','February','March','April','May','June','July', 'August','September','October','November','December'); @entryarray = split (/\\n/, $guestfile); shift (@entryarray); @entryarray = reverse @entryarray if $reverse_sort; #------( Start parsing the entries )------ foreach $entry (@entryarray) { $entry =~ s/\\n//gs; ($name, $location, $date) = ($entry, $entry, $entry); ($email, $homepage, $message) = ($entry, $entry, $entry); $name =~ s/(.*?)\n.*/$1/gs; $location =~ s/.*?\n(.*?)\n.*/$1/gs; $date =~ s/.*?\n.*?\n(.*?)\n.*/$1/gs; $email =~ s/.*?\n.*?\n.*?\n(.*?)\n.*/$1/s; $homepage =~ s/.*?\n.*?\n.*?\n.*?\n(.*?)\n.*/$1/s; $message =~ s/.*?\n.*?\n.*?\n.*?\n.*?\n(.*?)/$1/s; $name =~ s/\<[^\>]*\>//ig; $name =~ s/\//g; $email =~ s/\<[^\>]*\>//ig; $email =~ s/\//g; $homepage =~ s/\<[^\>]*\>//ig; $homepage =~ s/\//g; #------( If stripping is chosen, strip everything )------ if ($strip_words) { foreach $word (@stripwordarray) { my $replacedword = $word; my $firstletter = $replacedword; my $lastletter = $replacedword; $firstletter =~ s/\b(.)(.*?)\b/$1/; $lastletter =~ s/\b(.*)(.)\b/$2/; if (length($replacedword) > 2) { $replacedword = $firstletter . "*"x (length($replacedword)-2). $lastletter; } else { $replacedword = "*"x length($replacedword); } if ($strip_words == 2) { $message =~ s/\b$word\b/$replacedword/isg; $name =~ s/\b$word\b/$replacedword/ig; $email =~ s/\b$word\b/$replacedword/ig; $homepage=~ s/\b$word\b/$replacedword/ig; } if ($strip_words == 1) { $message =~ s/$word/$replacedword/isg; $name =~ s/$word/$replacedword/ig; $email =~ s/$word/$replacedword/ig; $homepage=~ s/$word/$replacedword/ig; } } } #------( Skip this entry if no name is written )------ next if ($name =~ /^$/); #------( Get the date-related stuff right )------ ($day, $month, $bookyear) = split(/[.]/,$date); $month = $months[$month]; $month = $$month if $$month; if ($DATE_FORMAT) { $date = $DATE_FORMAT; $date =~ s/D/$day/i; $date =~ s/M/$month/i; $date =~ s/Y/$bookyear/i; } else { $date = $month . " $day. $bookyear"; } #------( This is only done the first entry )------ if ($first) { $first_date = $date; $first = 0; } else { $all_entries .= "

\n"; } #------( Here starts the generating of the HTML-entries )------ $all_entries .= "" if ($email_on_name && ($email =~ /.*@.*/)); $all_entries .= "$name "; $all_entries .= "" if ($email_on_name && ($email =~ /.*@.*/)); if ($from) { $all_entries .= $from } else {$all_entries .= "from"}; $all_entries .= " $location "; if ($message eq "\n") { $all_entries .= "".($signed?$signed:"signed the guestbook on")." $date.\n
"; } else { $all_entries .= "".($wrote?$wrote:"wrote on")." $date:\n
"; } $contributions++; if ((!$email_on_name) && ($email =~ /.*@.*/)) { $all_entries .= "E-mail: $email
\n"; } if (!(($homepage=~/^$/) || ($homepage=~/^http:\/\/$/)) && ($homepage=~/^http:\/\//)) { $all_entries .= "URL: $homepage
\n"; } $imagetext = "IMAGE"; $imagetext = $IMAGE if $IMAGE; $linktext = "LINK"; $linktext = $LINK if $LINK; if (!$show_images) { $message =~ s/\]*\>[^\>]*\]*\>[^\>]*\<\/A>/ \[\$linktext\<\/A\>\] \[$imagetext\<\/A\>\]/gi; $message =~ s/\/\[\$imagetext\<\/A\>\]/ig ; $message =~ s/\]*\>/\[\$imagetext\<\/A\>\]/ig ; } if (!($message eq "\n")) { $all_entries .= "--
\n". "$message\n
"; } else { $all_entries .= "
"; } } #------( Generate the "x people signed..." line )------ if ($contributions == 1) { $signedline = "

( $contributions ".($person?$person:"person has"); } else { $signedline = "

( $contributions ".($people?$people:"people have"); } $signedline .= " ".($signed_this?$signed_this:"signed this guestbook"); $signedline .= " ".($since?$since:"since")." ".($reverse_sort?$date:$first_date)." )

\n"; #------( Print the contents to screen )------ print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "$pagetitle\n"; print "

\n"; print "$view_header

\n"; if ($show_old_files && !$FORM{'old_datafile'}) { my $i = 1; foreach $temp (@olddatafilesarray) { $temp2 = $temp; $temp2 =~ s/.*\/(.*)\..*/$1/; print "

" ."" ."
"; $i++; } } print $signedline if $show_signed =~ /top/i; print "


\n"; print $signedline if $show_signed =~ /bottom/i; print "
"; print "Guestbook system v$cgi_version made by "; print "Lars Ellingsen\n"; print "- Copyright © $thisyear
"; } else { $error_message = "Couldn't read the guestbook datafile: \"$data_file\"

\n\"$!\"\n"; &display_error; } } ####################################################################### # Make and show the HTML sign-page. ####################################################################### sub make_htmlForm { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "$pagetitle "; print $form_header; print "

"; if ($Write) { print $Write ." \"<BR>\" " . $AtTheEnd; } else { print "Write \"<BR>\" at the end of each line in your message!"; } print "

"; print "".($Name?$Name:"Name").":

"; print "".($Homepage?$Homepage:"Your homepage URL").":
".($ComeFrom?$ComeFrom:"You come from"); print ":
"; print "".($EnterMsg?$EnterMsg:"Enter message here").":

Guestbook system v$cgi_version made by Lars Ellingsen - Copyright © $thisyear
"; } ####################################################################### # Make HTML-page with errormessage. ####################################################################### sub display_error { print "Content-type: text/html\n\n"; print "Errormessage!\n"; print "

A guestbook-error was detected!

\n"; print $error_message; print "

- The Author\n"; print " / Support"; print " -\n"; exit 0; } ####################################################################### # Send the new guestbook-entry as eMail to recipient. ####################################################################### sub send_mail { open (MAIL, "|$mailprogram $mailaddress"); print MAIL "RETURN-PATH: \<$mailadress\>\n"; print MAIL "FROM: message\@in_your_guest_book.org ($pagetitle)\n"; print MAIL "SUBJECT: New guestbook entry.\n\n"; print MAIL "$FORM{'name'} "; print MAIL "".($from?$from:"from"); print MAIL " $FORM{'location'} "; print MAIL "".($wrote?$wrote:"wrote on"); print MAIL " $date:\n"; print MAIL "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n"; if ($FORM{'message'} eq undef) { print MAIL "\n<".($NoMsgWritten?$NoMsgWritten:"No message was written").">\n\n"; } else { print MAIL "\n$FORM{'message'}\n\n"; } print MAIL "- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\n\n"; close(MAIL); } 1